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MLS® High Peak Pulse - MiS

MiS is a Class 4 Laser Therapy device from ASA with never-seen-before performance. Capable of very high instantaneous peak powers, whilst controlling the average power, MiS is able to deliver unique clinical benefits whilst ensuring patient safety.
In addition to the therapeutic benefits typically delivered by the MLS® family, MiS is specifically indicated for the treatment of peripheral neuropathies and neuropathic pain. Read more about the research into neuropathic pain here.
Game Changing Technology
MiS is able to deliver peak powers of 1kW with an extremely high emission quality by optimising the fibre coupling of 7 laser diode sources. Inheriting the demonstrated efficacy and therapeutic superiority of the synchronised emission of MLS® whilst enhancing the peak power.
The very high instantaneous peak power is delivered in very short pulses that allow very effective stimulation of the therapeutic biological processes, whilst maintaining control of the thermal accumulation. Thus ensuring safe treatment which has always been an essential requirement for ASA.
The light, compact and multifunctional handpiece enables a range of treatments. A variety of optical terminals are available and can be changed quickly and easily. Each is equipped with a recognition sensor to adjust the emission parameters automatically.
The MiS is specifically effective against neuropathic pain with studies showing reduction in pain and a protective role on the myelin sheath. Read more here.
- Peripheral neuropathies
- Neuropathic pain
- Osteoarthritis
- Back pain
- Bursitis
- Cervical brachialgia
- Craniofacial pain
- Oedema
- Haematoma
- Joint pain
- Plantar fasciitis
- Sprains
- Strains
- Tendonitis
- Trauma
- Ulcers
- Wounds
- Range of clinical indications with additional indication for neuropathic pain
- MLS® Pulsed combination-synchronisation - 905nm pulsed emissions & 808nm continuous emissions - ensure deep penetration
- Extremely high peak power 1kW
- Interchangeable optical terminals
- Patient safety
Technical characteristics
- 6 pulsed laser diodes @905nm
- 1 continuous/frequency-modulated laser diode @808nm
- Average power (max): 6W
- Peak power (max): 1 kW
- Optical terminals:
- Ø 2 cm Target Area - ideal for trigger points, intra-articular areas, muscle bands
- Ø 5 cm Target area - ideal for treatment of larger anatomical areas and reduced treatment times
- High resolution 10" LCD touchscreen
- 1500 μm optical fibre
- User-friendly management software
- Intelligent battery that keeps device in stand-by when not connected to the mains
- Over 25 control sensors for very high levels of performance and safety
- Integrated handpiece holder and optical terminals holder
Supplied accessories and safety alarms
- Laser emission warning light
- Interlock
- Audible alarm that can be set by the operator
- Date and time functions
- Password for device starting
- Language change
- Possibility of connecting a Laser emission signal repeater
Included accessories
- N° 2 Laser Safety Goggles
- Trolley with magnetic fixing system
- Jointed arm for fixed point use equipped with sphere and joints
Size and weight
56 x 47.4 x 147 cm; 25 kg
Power supply
100-240V, 50-60Hz
Each year the ASAcampus (an association between ASAlaser and The University of Florence) publish 'Energy for Health', a scientific magazine focusing on the results of research and clinical studies carried out by internationally renowned researchers, doctors and specialists both in Italy and abroad.
Chow RT, David MA, Armati PJ. 830 nm laser irradiation induces varicosity formation, reduces mitochondrial membrane potential and blocks fast axonal flow in small and medium diameter rat dorsal root ganglion neurons: implications for the analgesic effects of 830 nm laser. J Peripher Nerv Syst. 2007 Mar;12(1):28-39.
Simunovic Z. Low level laser therapy with trigger points technique: a clinical study on 243 patients. J Clin Laser Med Surg. 1996 Aug;14(4):163-7.
Bjordal JM, Lopes-Martins RA, Iversen VV. A randomised, placebo controlled trial of low level laser therapy for activated Achilles tendinitis with microdialysis measurement of peritendinous prostaglandin E2 concentrations. Br J Sports Med. 2006 Jan;40(1):76-80; discussion 76-80.
Xavier M, David DR, de Souza RA, Arrieiro AN, Miranda H, Santana ET, Silva JA Jr, Salgado MA, Aimbire F, Albertini R. Anti-inflammatory effects of low-level light emitting diode therapy on Achilles tendinitis in rats. Lasers Surg Med. 2010 Aug;42(6):553-8.
Albertini R, Aimbire F, Villaverde AB, Silva JA Jr, Costa MS. COX-2 mRNA expression decreases in the subplantar muscle of rat paw subjected to carrageenan-induced inflammation after low level laser therapy. Inflamm Res. 2007 Jun;56(6):228-9.
Kajagar BM, Godhi AS, Pandit A, Khatri S. Efficacy of low level laser therapy on wound healing in patients with chronic diabetic foot ulcers-a randomised control trial. Indian J Surg. 2012 Oct;74(5):359-63.
Baxter GD, Liu L, Petrich S, Gisselman AS, Chapple C, Anders JJ, Tumilty S. Low level laser therapy (Photobiomodulation therapy) for breast cancer-related lymphedema: a systematic review. BMC Cancer. 2017 Dec 7;17(1):833.
Wigg, J. Use and response to treatment using low lovel laser therapy. Journal of Lymphoedema, 2009, Vol 4, No 2.
Medrado AR, Pugliese LS, Reis SR, Andrade ZA. Influence of low level laser therapy on wound healing and its biological action upon myofibroblasts. Lasers Surg Med. 2003;32(3):239-44.
Fabre HS, Navarro RL, Oltramari-Navarro PV, Oliveira RF, Pires-Oliveira DA, Andraus RA, Fuirini N, Fernandes KB. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of low-level laser therapy on the postoperative healing process. J Phys Ther Sci. 2015 Jun;27(6):1645-1648.
Artés-Ribas M, Arnabat-Dominguez J, Puigdollers A. Analgesic effect of a low-level laser therapy (830 nm) in early orthodontic treatment. Lasers Med Sci. 2013 Jan;28(1):335-41.
Wang P, Liu C, Yang X, Zhou Y, Wei X, Ji Q, Yang L, He C. Effects of low-level laser therapy on joint pain, synovitis, anabolic, and catabolic factors in a progressive osteoarthritis rabbit model. Lasers Med Sci. 2014 Nov;29(6):1875-85.
Prianti AC Jr, Silva JA Jr, Dos Santos RF, Rosseti IB, Costa MS. Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) reduces the COX-2 mRNA expression in both subplantar and total brain tissues in the model of peripheral inflammation induced by administration of carrageenan. Lasers Med Sci. 2014 Jul;29(4):1397-403.
Guerra Fda R, Vieira CP, dos Santos de Almeida M, Oliveira LP, Claro AC, Simões GF, de Oliveira AL, Pimentel ER. Pulsed LLLT improves tendon healing in rats: a biochemical, organizational, and functional evaluation. Lasers Med Sci. 2014 Mar;29(2):805-11.
Training and CPD
All laser purchases come with training to enable you to maximise your clinical results from laser use.
All our units require regular servicing, our dedicated team of engineers are able to service units at a time convenient for you to ensure your machine remains in top condition.
Free Trial
Celtic SMR is offering free demonstrations and trials of the ASA Laser so please call us on 0800 279 9050 to find out more.