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The MLS® Range

Mphi 75

The portable device with a laser acupuncture mode, with optional trolley. Easy to transport, and easy to use, making it ideal for use in clinic or in the patient's home. 


Mphi 75.5

Includes multi diode applicator and standard handpiece. The multi diode applicator makes it possible to easily treat large areas of muscle, or whole joints.



The M8 has innovative multi-target functionality, and includes multi diode applicator and standard handpiece. The robotised multi diode applicator allows for automatic treatment.



*SAVE £2,000 across January and February 2025*

M-Hi inherits the mechanisms of action of MLS®, preserving the scientific evidence of its mechanisms of action, as well as the safety of a globally established treatment.
No more struggling with complicated equipment or wasting time on cumbersome setups. Our intuitive user-friendly M-Hi has been designed and manufactured in Italy, with clinicians like you in mind.



MiS is a Class 4 Laser Therapy device from ASA with never-seen-before performance. Capable of very high instantaneous peak powers, whilst controlling the average power, MiS is able to deliver unique clinical benefits whilst ensuring patient safety. 


Why choose MLS® Laser Equipment?

Manufactured by ASA, the MLS® range of high-end, Class 4 Lasers provide fast, safe and extremely effective treatment for pain, inflammation and swelling, as well as stimulating tissue regeneration for faster and physiologically improved healing

The unique technology delivers high peak power outputs (25W - 1000W) and dual emission of 808nm and 905nm wavelengths, whilst completely eliminating any harmful heating effects, so that your treatments are both quick and safe

Extremely beneficial in a range of conditions, Class 4 Therapeutic Laser can transform your treatment portfolio, and with a range of products (including robots!) all with pre-set protocols, it can be seamlessly integrated into practice. 


Let's talk about MLS®

Are you keen to know more and would like to speak to us about the MLS® laser range? Click below to arrange a call with one of our knowledgeable team. 

Frequently asked questions

MLS® Laser equipment is more affordable than you think! With numerous devices across the ASA Laser MLS® range we're sure to find a device with the features and price to suit your clinic. 

Yes!! At CelticSMR we are proud of the relationships we build with our customers offering pre-purchase demonstrations, comprehensive technical training, and ongoing skill development courses to ensure you can develop your clinical skills alongside your new equipment. Ask us about a FREE, no obligation trial! 

All new MLS® lasers come with a 2 year warranty. 

Yes, you can get some great savings on ex-demo and refurbished stock. Ask us about our ex-demo equipment today! 

Case studies

Plantar Fasciopathy 

Patient 45 year old female
Diagnosis Chronic plantar fasciopathy at the level of the medial calcaneal tuberosity, right foot. Intermittent symptoms for 8 months
Treatment Began with two treatments of shockwave therapy, but unfortunately the patient could not tolerate treatment within therapeutic limits. Switched to MLS laser therapy (700Hz, 100% intensity, 4 minutes) two sessions, 2 days apart
Outcome The effect of MLS laser therapy was immediate - as the patient stood down from the couch she had no pain. At the second treatment she reported a small niggle but nothing compared to her pain prior to the first laser treatment. She required no more treatment following the second treatment


Achilles tendinopathy

Patient 61 year old, active (walking 3 miles daily, yoga), female. Low- medium BMI
Medical history polymyalgia rheumatica, osteopenia
Medication prednisolone, alendronic acid
Main complaint bilateral Achilles tendon swelling (R>L), pain on the right only
Examination bilateral thickening of Achilles tendon, with tenderness, 5cm superior to plantar heel; tenderness along peroneus longus between styloid process and first ray; hypermobile feet, especially mid-tarsus; significant plantarflexion both first rays; 20 degree+ ankle dorsiflexion bilaterally and 90 degree first MTP joint dorsiflexion bilaterally
Gait analysis lack of resupination in active propulsion, with the following: Helbing’s, everted heels, lateral notches, too-may-toes, talo-navicular bulging
Principal diagnosis Achilles tendinopathy
Treatment custom orthoses to promote more timely resupination and reduce load on Achilles tendon, with the addition of ASA multi-lock system class 4 laser to manage the tendinopathies. Six sessions of laser were scheduled after dispensing the orthoses.

by the third laser session, the patient had noted a substantial reduction in swelling of the right Achilles tendon. By the fifth application the patient was free from all discomfort and Achilles swelling was further reduced on both sides. Both patient and practitioner were favourable impressed by the extent and rapidity of the outcome to date



Trochanteric bursitis

Patient 88 year old female
History Long history of greater trochanteric bursitis of the right hip, many additional MSK problems of the lower limb
Medication Several cortisone injections into the right hip
Treatment Single session of MLS laser treatment (scan mode, chronic pain setting; followed by trigger point therapy)
Outcome Patient emailed next morning to say she was pain free and doing the gardening without any problems. The patient cancelled her cortisone injection at the GP which was due the same day as her laser session.



Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Patient 50 year old female in good general health
Diagnosis Bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome , with severe pain in the left affecting sleep
Treatment Surgery followed by a course of six MLS laser therapy sessions
Outcome Great improvement following the first session, with improved range of motion in the hand and fingers at the end of the course


“I’m having amazing feedback from patients, often after just one treatment. For me, after 3 months use it beats shockwave hands down.” Jonathan Small, Podiatrist, Health First

"The laser is a very good addition to the practice, giving me more confidence to take on certain cases.  I currently have two posterior tibialis tendinopathy patients responding really well to combined treatment with self-made custom orthotics and laser. Laser has helped my wife's plantar plate injury/stone bruise syndrome considerably." Peter Barrow, Rugby Podiatry

"Using the laser in my clinic has been a game changer in my Podiatry clinic. It really helps speed up injury recovery alongside my current treatment methods. I wouldn’t be without one now, it’s fantastic." Louise Kenworthy, Complete Podiatry

"One case in particular stands out - 71 year old female with forefoot pain. Imaging revealed Morton’s Neuroma, degenerative arthritis in her 3rd and 4th toes. She was unable to walk more than 100 meters and was in extreme pain. After a single laser treatment she said the laser treatment had worked wonders and she had no pain at all.  Result! Caron Csuk, Mirfield Podiatry & Chiropody Clinic

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