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Develop your services with MLS® Class 4 Laser

MLS® laser is a wonderful addition to any practice looking to provide pain clinics, rehabilitation services and to offer cutting edge technology to their clients.

Most vets will see at least one lame dog each week, from minor muscular injuries, to spinal issues to osteoarthritis. Whether surgery is indicated or not, all of these dogs require a multi-modal response, including a rehabilitation program, anti-inflammatories and analgesia. Therapeutic laser is a non-invasive, safe treatment modality, that is excellent at providing relief from pain and inflammation, whilst also promoting osteogenesis and soft tissue healing. With very few side effects it can easily be incorporated into a simple rehab program or after extensive orthopaedic surgery to speed recovery and enhance long term function. Providing local treatment to muscles, joints and surgical sites enables release of muscle contractures and trigger points, reduction of swelling, and improvement in healing, whilst minimising the necessity for systemic medication. Twice weekly therapeutic laser treatment has been shown to be even more effective compared to NSAID treatment alone in managing chronic arthritic cases (see references).

Incorporate MLS® laser into a rehab programme
The number of laser treatments required depends on the type and severity of the pathology. Many acute minor injuries such as partial sprains, strains and muscle injuries will only require one or two treatments. Post-surgical treatment and management of chronic diseases will be more involved and often require an induction course of 6-8 sessions followed by ongoing treatment 2-4 times per month.

Offer more to you Seniors, they deserve it!
Senior pet clinics are a great opportunity to reach out to your clients and show them your expertise and services. MLS® laser treatment is a perfect opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to your patients’ well-being, and after regular use will reduce reliance on NSAIDs, which many owners wish to limit.
Not only will your seniors feel the benefits of MLS® treatment and hopefully lead a more comfortable and happy life, but providing senior pet clinics will also:

  • Strengthen client loyalty - regular RVN contact helps to build trust with the clinic and develop relationships
  • Increase client interaction providing an opportunity for clients to report new problems. Additional diagnostic services such as urinalysis or bloodwork will increase revenue.
  • Improve patient outcome increasing client retention and relationship.
  • Empower staff (vets and nurses) to improve outcomes to maximise quality of care, in addition to practice revenue.

Geriatric patients often have many conditions to manage simultaneously. Regular MLS® Laser treatment can offer analgesia where systemic medication or surgery is contra-indicated and supports a speedier recovery and pain management in so many of the conditions we see in our elderly patients: osteoarthritis, spondylosis, anal sacculitis, laryngeal paralysis, otitis, hygromas, and dental disease.

So, consider adding MLS® Laser therapy to your practice and fully utilise your nursing staff whilst offering an extra service to help your patients’ recovery. A recent survey showed that MLS® laser users report returns from £500 - £2000 from their MLS® laser each month. To get a copy of a return on investment calculator and idea of cost of equipment and what you can charge for treatments contact
For more information on MLS® Therapy Laser – click here

Muscle Recovery Is Highlighted by IR Laser Therapy. RAZZAGHI M, ROSTAMI-NEJAD M, REZAEI-TAVIRAN M, ZAMANIAN AZODI M, OKHOVATIAN F, MANSOURI V, AHMADI N. (2019). J Lasers Med Sci. 2019 Fall;10(Suppl 1):S49-S53.
Effect of MLS® Laser Therapy on Pain and Satisfaction for Musculoskeletal Conditions: A Retrospective Study. BLEVINS B, SIMONCIC J, KIBURZ D (2019) Energy for Health; 19, 10-13
Management of the articular degenerative disease of the dog: comparison of physical and pharmacological therapies S. Meggiolaro, S. Tention, G.M. De Benedictis. Energy For Health. 2016. Vol 17 page 22-25
The effect of 808 nm and 905 nm wavelength light on recovery after spinal cord injury. SVOBODOVA B, KLOUDOVA A, RUZICKA J, KAJTMANOVA L, NAVRATIL L, SEDLACEK R, SUCHY T, JHANWAR-UNIYAL M, JENDELOVA P, MACHOVA URDZIKOVA L. (2019) Nature Scientific Report, 9:7660

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