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MLS® Laser In The Treatment Of Achilles Tendinopathies

One of the most common presentations in any MSK clinic is achilles tendinopathy. Frequently seen due to mechanical overload or biomechanical complications, this pathology is both painful and debilitating for anyone who experiences it. Athletes in particular are looking for a rapid resolution to allow them to return to sport as quickly as possible.

Treatment plans most often consist of a combination of one or more of the following:  activity modification, addressing biomechanical issues, exercises, taping, orthotics, shockwave therapy and/or dry needling. Laser therapy can add an effective, non-invasive treatment option to this list which can speed healing times and reduce pain quickly.

MLS® Laser Therapy is suitable for both acute and chronic presentations of tendinopathy and can easily be integrated into any treatment plan. Laser therapy is cumulative and so an initial course of 3-6 treatments is recommended.

When using MLS® laser to treat a pathology, it is not just the area of the pathology which is treated but also the structures which contribute to the affected area. This is known as the ‘global approach’. In the case of achilles tendinopathy, the laser is also used to treat the posterior calf muscles, relaxing and elasticising the tissues and reducing any contraction which may be feeding distally to the tendon itself. Trigger points are palpated and treated to achieve and immediate and minimal reduction of pain on palpation of 50-70%, reducing any radiating or referred pain. Finally the pathology itself is treated with the MLS® laser coming preset with a tendinopathy setting. The focal area of pain on the tendon is palpated and the laser is used to treat this point and the surrounding area. Unlike other high peak power lasers, MLS® can be used in ‘point mode’ which allows for safe, targeted treatments on focal areas of pain and trigger points without the need to keep the head of the laser moving. Read more about MLS® patented technology HERE.

MLS® is used alongside an appropriate exercise plan, taping etc to offer a thorough treatment plan which can help patients get better faster.

If you’d like to know more about the integration and indications of use of MLS® laser and how you might benefit from having it in your clinic please CONTACT US for a friendly chat.

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