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MLS® Laser Therapy – A Marketing Strategy for ~Practices

People sitting at a desk with a laptop taking notes

Creating a marketing strategy for your MLS® therapeutic laser clinics involves understanding who you are trying to ‘speak to’, highlighting the benefits of laser therapy for that audience, and then utilising various channels to reach potential pet owners.

We’ve created a 10 step strategic plan to get you started.

Top tip – write notes as you read each element to help you create your own specific plan of action.


  1. Identify Target Audience:  Determine the demographics of your potential audience (age, gender, location, income level, etc.). Consider specific conditions or clinics your practice can address effectively with MLS® laser therapy (e.g. elderly patient clinics, arthritis, lameness, wound management, rehabilitation).

    Top tip: write up an overview of your ideal client. Write down every small detail you can think of about that ‘person’, THIS is who you are creating your marketing content for. Remember that person when you’re writing your social media posts etc. What would they like to see and how would they like to see it? Where are they most likely to see it and when?


  1. Brand Positioning: Define your practice's unique selling proposition (USP). What sets your practice apart from competitors? Is it the cutting-edge technology, specialised expertise, convenient location, or exceptional customer service?

    Top tip: Emphasise the safety, effectiveness, and non-invasiveness of MLS® laser therapy compared to traditional or more invasive treatments.


  1. Online Presence: Develop a professional website optimised for search engines (SEO). Include informative content about laser therapy, treatment options, and testimonials from satisfied clients. Utilise social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn) to engage with potential clients, share educational content, and showcase before-and-after photos or success stories. Consider creating video content explaining the benefits of laser therapy and showcasing the practice's facilities and staff.

    Top tip: Celtic SMR also offer a ‘marketing kit’ including social media tiles, blogs and a webpage template to get you started. Contact to request your marketing kit if you don’t already have it!


  1. Content Marketing: Start a blog on your website to publish articles about different conditions treated with laser therapy, latest research findings, tips, etc. 

        Top tip: The more you can link to and from your website, the better for your SEO!


  1. Community Outreach: Attend local fairs, community events, and host seminars to educate the public about the benefits of laser therapy and consider offering free consultations or demonstrations.


  1. Email Marketing: Build an email list of current and prospective clients and send regular newsletters with updates about treatments, promotions, and spotting arthritis tips. Offer exclusive discounts or special offers to subscribers to encourage repeat visits and referrals. Don’t forget to make sure you are GDPR compliant!


  1. Online Advertising: Invest in pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaigns on Google Ads targeting keywords related to laser therapy and specific conditions your practice treats. Utilise retargeting ads to reach people who have visited your website but haven't booked an appointment yet.

    Top tip: Google have a Keywords planner to help you out! You can find it here -


  1. Reputation Management: Encourage satisfied clients to leave positive reviews on platforms like Google My Business, Yelp, and Healthgrades. Respond promptly and professionally to all reviews, whether positive or negative, to demonstrate excellent customer service.

        Top tip: If you use an online booking system, see if there is an automated process you can set up to request reviews after appointments.


  1. Tracking and Analytics: Use tools like Google Analytics to track website traffic, user behavior, and conversion rates. Monitor the performance of your marketing campaigns and adjust strategies based on the data to maximize ROI. This will eventually save you time and money as you can do more of what works and less of what doesn’t!


By implementing these strategies, you can can effectively begin to attract new clients, build brand awareness, and establish your practice as a trusted provider of MLS® laser therapy services.

For more information about our MLS® Laser products visit

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